Found this on the Facebook group '"A noun, a verb, and 9/11"-The Rudy Giuliani campaign slogan'. I'm not big into joining groups on Facebook anymore, but this one made me smile. I love (sarcasm) how it actually makes sense to some people to have this guy run for president. Or even BE president. The truth is that when he was the mayor of New York it was hardly squeaky-clean, until 9/11. And it just so happened that Giuliani was there. It was really a matter of-albeit, twisted-convenience. If anyone had been the mayor of NYC at the time, and they had a good team behind them, they would come out a hero. You couldn't argue with it, it would seem cruel to criticize someone so harshly when they are the figurehead of responsibility and leadership in a grieving city. To a good extent, you could say the same about Bush--had he not been president during 9/11, or if it had not happened, I doubt he would be as liked as he is now, or if he would have lasted past the first term.
So, a message to you guys, and anyone who tries to do the same thing: just because you were in the right place at the right time doesn't mean that you're a good leader, a strong leader, or even a smart person. It means you were there. A lot of people were there.
Today marks the first time all year that I came home and passed out. Of course, it was at 9 pm, but despite being well caffeinated, I collapsed for a good hour. Yay naps?
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