Since I last blogg'd. Dear lord. Too much has been happening: school, not having money, owing money, maybe getting a job, friend issues, family issues, and good lord in he'un, the ELECTION.
Like, I'm about to lose sleep over it. How will I focus for school next Tuesday? Five days. FIVE days and it'll all be over, over two years of campaigns that rounded out eight years of pain and misery and GOP cronyism. And Obama is ahead. Knock on wood, but he is ahead by 7% in the poll of polls, and right now, as they all stand, even if McCain gets all the states that are "swing" states, he would still lose to Obama by nearly 30 electors. Or points. Whatever they're called.
I mailed in my ballot last week. It was then that I really started to understand what Obama meant when he said that the election wasn't about him. In the same sense, it wasn't about John McCain either. It's about voters–it's about people–making up for the mistakes that they (or those who were able to vote in 2000 and 2004) had made. Obama might be the face of the change that I believe in (as McCain and the other candidates are for what they believe), but he isn't the heart and soul, he isn't the blood and brains that have kept the ticket running, that have made us all start running towards this final end. Barack Obama isn't the one who's lining up in the rain at early polling stations, nor is he volunteering and getting people registered. That's us, that's We The People, right there. An election is really only won if everyone who can contribute does. And I've done my part, and I'm proud, and when Barack Obama stands in front of the Capitol building in January, the chief justice won't be swearing in just one man, but millions of men and women who stood up and did their part and wanted change.
E Pluribus Unim, motherfucker. Also, no matter what happens, it's gonna beat the everloving crap out of the Canadian election, which you probably don't know happened.
Speaking of Canada, $1 USD=$1.30 CAD. Har har.
I'm sure that no matter what happens next Tuesday (dear god, Tuesday) there will be plenty of beer, and I'm thinking of splurging on at least a few Sam Adams or Rogue Ales, to get me in that American spirit. And I am thinking.....KFC? Something trashy. An early Thanksgiving. Or the worst day of my life. It's like the anticipation of Christmas, except that you have to wait all day to get your presents, but you don't know if they'll be presents or, like, shrapnel bombs? Or waiting to get married when she hasn't actually said "yes" yet, even though you're still having the ceremony and everything.
So the potential job? Transcribing and editing texts for an online archive that is accessible for the visually impaired. The potential pay? $16.16/hour, 10 hours per week. That's about $600 per month, which will help out not only rent, but livelihood as well. I'm 90% sure that it's mine.
What are we reading?
Chaucer: The Legend of Good Women
Children's: Coraline/Neil Gaiman
Poetry: Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction/Wallace Stevens
Ovid: Venus and Adonis/Shakespeare
Film: Treasure of the Sierra Madre
All pretty good, and I'm even starting to tolerate Poetry, thanks to Wallace Stevens being so damn good. Check it:
You must become an ignorant man again
And see the sun again with an ignorant eye
And see it clearly in the idea of it.
Never suppose an inventing mind as source
Of this idea nor for that mind compose
A voluminous master folded in his fire.
What else? My birthday is in a month. 32 days, to be exact. Numerology tells me that this year, or at least this birthday, will bring me love. I hope that will come true. And, because I love talking about these things, here's what I want for my birthday:
- This watch
- A pocket-sized Moleskine notebook, ruled
- Some Faber Castell black fineliners
- A sketchbook, 9x11, preferably heavy paper
- A soft, warm scarf
- A set of charcoal pencils
The socks are just a tag-on, since I have, like, no socks. I would also adore a bottle of wine or beer, but that's not the long-lasting love that one wants on one's birthday. Also, I feel as though I deserve a particularly good one, since the last two birthdays that I spent with friends were in Versailles and Avignon. So. Life owes me one.
And I really want that watch. I'm bored to death with the one that I have, and it looks so classy and it's a Fossil, and I adore Fossil more than anything, unless someone out there wants to get me something from the Balon Bleu de Cartier collection, which I would not sniff at in the least.
Halloween, in Canada, apparently means fireworks. The plan so far is for me to go as Huck Finn.