In the Spring of 2008, while living in the literal ass of England, my two best friends and I went on an adventure through France, Germany, and Vienna. Being the people that we are, we said some pretty ridiculous things. Here, thanks to Amanda's diligent recording, is the cream of the crop of words that came out of our mouths that fateful few weeks:
"It's all the New Kids on the Block in ONE GERMAN MAN!"
"Ahahahaha.........We're poor and sad."
"I can't remember who I'm sleeping with... oh wait, NOBODY."
"Good old patch-knees. Rawwhh!"
"Ssssir it's not hot enough in the hot tub...?"
"Vehre you guys just flashing zeh towns? Get your feet off zeh seat und stop flashing your tits."
"Well, what are you gonna do?"
"Pssh...Fuck a tree, apparantly."
"Get on the bus, douche. We're in hell."
"We got trouble! Right here in Nurnburg City! With a capital N and that rhymes with BEN and that stands for GETBACKHERE!"
"God I love these ghetto fabulous Germans!"
"Hilton says 'no' to everything except being rich."
"Where is the key-"
"It's in my butt."
"How am I taking this badly? you're the one who put it up your butt."
"Ok It's an hour and 15 minutes until the next traaeeiighhhhhhch."
"You have good eyes, Meg. They're big and awesome."
"He's probably a perfectly nice guy, and here we are saying he's a dangerous muppet James Spader Javier Bardem."
"Oh shit, it's Napoleon."
"What is it?"
"Pshh, I don't know, gigantic?"
"Why don't you restock your cart before you come on this train and sell your wares!?!?!?!"
1 comment:
i loved so much your blog .....
see you !!!
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