Monday, August 6, 2007

And if anyone has any Offenbach....I need it.

I'm on such a classical music bender. This happens every few weeks. The problem with classical music is that you can't really listen to it briefly and then go back to regular music. It's just impossible.

"Isn't the true poet or painter a seer? Isn't he, actually, the only seer we have on earth? Most apparently not the scientist, most emphatically not the psychiatrist."
-J.D. Salinger, from Seymour: an Introduction

The only problem with that is that for all the seeing that we poets and painters do, for all the nuances of life that we sense and try to pick up on, in the end most people don't care too much. I could go to work and talk about infinity, and they would, most earnstly and without spite, look up and say "so what?"

A visionary's life is troubled, not because of what he or she sees, but because no one else in the world can see it. I could say that I think life is a pretty fantastic and wonderful thing, but then everyone around me just seems to be dead-set on proving me wrong.

Of course, I'm not calling myself a visionary of any sort. Well, maybe a little. I certainly feel a level of alieneation that is all-encompassing. Perhaps me constantly trying to be profound about the big picture is just a means of avoiding the little one in the mirror every morning.

I'm making this blog haplessly confessional. One would think that I'd be smart enough to just shut up and talk about books.

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