Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hey look, cross promotion

If you're bored and wanna see something that I think should be looked at, head over to my DeviantArt page and look at all my new fantasy-esque sketches.

River Sprite Detail by ~Shmedgehog on deviantART

Isaiah by ~Shmedgehog on deviantART

Adonis Detail by ~Shmedgehog on deviantART

And that's just a TASTE of what's to come.

Don't you hate describing what you write or draw as "fantasy"? There was a time when the word conjured up thoughts of The Brothers Grimm and J.M. Barrie and Arthur Rackham, or the mythologies of the Old World. Now it makes you think of some chubby-esque guy wearing tights, cardboard armor, and a sword that he has given some pseudo-Norse name ("Behold---Niflgrassryodr!"). No offense to people that this statement might offend, but J.R.R. Tolkein ruined fairytales and mythology. FOREVER. I'm not even going to expand on that statement, because deep down you know it's true.

So that's what I've been up to these past few days, along with working on schoolstuffs, reading (The Winter's Tale is really good!!), and planning for upcoming things, which include:

November 23: Thanksgiving. Sit on couch with blanket and hot cocoa, watch parade.
Nov. 24: Family visits, big Thanksgiving dinner for everybody.
Nov. 30: Birthday. Turn 20. Drink, dance, celebrate fear of turning 30 in 10 years.
Dec. 2: Tori Amos concert. Wear face-paint, get adopted by Tori Amos.
Dec. 7: Golden Compass. The fact that I'm even putting that as a date equal to "Birthday" or "Thanksgiving" says it all.
Dec. 17: Go home, check out of Gage for the last time. Don't return to UBC for nine and a half months.
Dec. 25: Um, Noel.
Jan. 1: New Years. Will probably sit in my parent's basement watching something lame on TV.
Jan. 10: Fly to England
Jan. 11: Move into room at UEA.

So that's pretty much something significant happening every week for the next two months, not to mention all the ridiculous stuff that'll happen once I'm in England. And that's not even counting final exams or term papers.

Also, the exchange rate between the US and Canada is now a slim .98 to 1, which means that we should be getting back up some time in the next few weeks. I hope Canada enjoyed its month and a half of triumph. I found it annoying.

Seriously, go look at the arts! If nine million people look I get a lolipop!

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