Have you guys seen the Romantics series on the BBC/PBS? No? Well, in the series, Mary Shelley was depicted as a beautiful woman writhing around crazily on her bed in a red satin gown. This gives you the impression that a night with Mary Shelly is full of opium and pretty colors, and the most mindblowingly physical sex you can imagine; the kind of sex that makes you question existence. This, to a somewhat lesser yet still powerful extent, is the impression that I got from Bring Me The Workhorse, it was just so different (to me at least) and had such a well-done cinematic feel that was beautiful in a polished but raw way, like madness that definitely had a method, a method so good that it seemed like madness all over again. With A Thousand Shark's Teeth, the method is still there, but there's less of the madness, though that works out just fine. The big orchestral feeling is more chamber-like, thanks to the help of a string quartet, and there's a thicker production quality on some tracks that seems reminiscent of Tear It Down, a group of remixes of the stuff. There's also a wider array of music here, and Worden is obviously borrowing from various styles, maremba, baroque, etc. It's all done as best as it could be done, albeit a little sleepier than I expected. So, to continue the metaphor, if Bring Me The Workhorse is the crazy rolling around on the bed Mary Shelley sex, then A Thousand Shark's Teeth is calmer but still fantastic after a few months of dating Mary Shelley sex. Yeah, that works perfectly.
Another thing of interest: I made Sachertorte! True, the chocolate glaze was not as thick as I'd want it to be, and making it was a giant mess of baking goods and abusing the standing mixer, but it was fantastically good and my mom, for whose birthday it was made, thought it was delicious. And really, if I had more time and wasn't trying to make it for a surprise, it would have turned out better and I would have had more time to enjoy the cooking, which I really did enjoy.
Oh, and I cut my hair. Ironically, on the same day that my 14-year-old brother was taken to a salon to get a $60 haircut. Yeah, I did it myself. Again.
It looks like it did while I was in France, only the front looks better. I took off about an inch from the bottom just to clean it up. Here's how it looked before, about two weeks ago:
So it's less shaggy now. Also, I don't know who that girl on the left is. I look AWESOME.
And yeah, I promised Girl On The Left that I would grow it out this summer, which I might still do. The good thing is that the shortest layer in the back is down to my ears now, so it should grow out pretty even. Or keep it short, because that always looks good, right? Right?
God, I need to use this blog to talk about more interesting things. Like, why am I not writing right now? Because there are DVDs here. And I have torrents now? And........yeah. I'm gonna get going on that within the next week, for real. Right now I'm trying to get a job for the summer, and my expectations are being throttled by the boa constrictor of minimum wage part-time positions.
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