And you know what? Ask any woman, anywhere, and they would agree with me. Hey Mother Teresa, wanna do Indiana Jones? Yes, she replies from beyond the grave, and as soon as he gets here I'm putting on my white satin nun robe.
But still, man. Marion. When I was little, I wanted to be her, and now that I am older, I want to be her. And if I cannot be her, I would like to be her special friend. Special friend. The only downside is that I would have to be the designated driver all the time! She's so cool.
Anyway the reason for posting this is that my family, while I was off undereating in Norwich, bought Raiders of the Lost Ark on DVD. The film is fully restored and looks beautiful, and it's got nice little special features (how they made the guy's face melt!) that I'll be watching tomorrow. Have you ever seen any of the little blurbs that they do on the movie with Steen Spielberg in them? He talks about the movie like he's a little boy; his favorite parts are apparently when the little monkey salutes the nazis and when Marion says "we just don't get a break, do we?" because she's so cool.
I can't believe that I'm still drooling over a character Karen Allen played thirty years ago shut up.
A couple other things: in the previews for The Golden Compass, Dakota Blue Richards narrates a little piece about how we need to help the WWF save the polar bears, because they aren't as strong as Iorek because...sniff....they don't have armor to keep them protected. All this over pictures of bears lolling around in the ice, like they DON'T want to be killed by global warming.
I always feel so awful caring more about conservation than, like, humans. Something about it strikes closer to my heart, I guess. Hey, I might be a cynic who has no faith in humanity, but at least I'm a good cynic.
And I watched Jamie Lidell on Conan the other night (the video is up but I'm really too lazy to post a link). He and his quartet (keyboard, bass, sax, drums) played "Another Day", and though it was trés cutée, I feel like the live band kinda took away some of the fire that I was expecting.
Then again;
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