Monday, June 8, 2009

Where does this mean world cast its cold eye?

Random thoughts, too long for Twitter. Here we go:

  • Saturday I went to Oregon Ballet Theater's newest production, which was also my favorite program so far, with a great selection of pieces. (nothing, however, will beat watching The Rite of Spring that they did ealier this year). Seeing the ballet has actually become one of my favorite things about Portland, so if you're reading this blog and you have half a million dollars sitting around, please send it to them. Otherwise they won't have a season next year. Also, when you've done that, go ahead and send me a few thousand.
  • Is it wrong to feel so so so happy when you discover that your ex is dating a person that is much less attractive than you are, even on your worst days? Because I am feeling that right now. I am feeling so so so happy, and I have been for a while.
  • Thing that I love: an orchestra tuning up. I love it because, no matter where you go, it sounds completely random and yet still the same everywhere. I would like to have the sound applied to other things: heating up the stove, starting a car, what I hear when I turn on the shower. It's the best sort of warm-up music available, to be sure.
  • I've begun working on Secret of the Clockwork Mouse again. Not only have I begun to write where I left off, but I've also designated a section of my wall for the book: I have a map of the United States with stickies all over it and a chart of one of the novel's sections, tomorrow, along with more writing, I will print out a collage of pictures that would be relevant to what I'd be describing, as well as a time line for the novel, a time line for actual historical events that correspond with the story, and some character sketches. It's been over a year since I started to formulate the idea, so it's about time that I treated it with some respect.
  • Possible other titles for the novel: The Heart in the Clockwork Mouse, or some variations of that. The truth is that I can't get the phrase out of my head: would it be best to just go with The Clockwork Mouse?
  • This is the fourth night in a row that I haven't been able to sleep until 4 or 5 (it's still 3, but I don't have high hopes).
  • I downloaded the first twelve chapters of Midnight Sun, which is apparently the fifth book in Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series. And oh my god. This is so bad. Like, I don't know how she could not know that this should be better writing. Actually, I'm strangely obsessed with the series in all it's terribleness; perhaps it's from my need to know that I'm better than something (see above: ex's new ugly partner), or because it gives me inspiration: I must write, so that people can know that there are good books out there that can be read.

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