Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dear Conservative America: Do The Worm!

Stop being so sweet and nice. It's making me sick. I want to laugh in your face but all I can get out is a "yeah...well...we all have to work together...."

Bitches, we ain't gotta do that 'til January. You have like 70 days to be confused and sad and upset. Go back in time and talk to me, four years ago. It shouldn't be that hard. Go on, it's okay. Just don't stop me from being proud cause you're all sugary and nice and crap. Ugh. I know that I wouldn't be happy if McCain won (can you SEE the unmentionable woman's face if that had happened?), so stop the show and start freaking out and going "oh god what happened to our country oh god they beat us oh god there is no hope, cause we got out butts beat by a black dude and a bunch of kids, oh no oh no...."

I will not be denied satisfaction. Time to read the Coulter Blog and pretend that she's the floor.

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