Thursday, January 17, 2008

I'm a Republican? Really?

So I made it, if you were really wondering whether or not I've just spent the past few days floating in the Atlantic. Nope!! My transitions from Home, U.S.A. to Home, U.K. have been more stressful than I had ever anticipated. All I can say is: I'm here, in one piece and with my clothes and a place to live and school seems to be (mostly) sorted out, and thank goodness I'm here with Amanda and Aletheia, otherwise I would probably be halfway back to the airport by now.

My classes seem generally interesting, with a pretty decent workload. And I only have to be in class three days a week. And I only had to buy one book.

Of course, a change like this has to come with some sort of Culture Shock. Here's a few things that I've learned about the British:

  • I'm sure you already know that they drive on the opposite sides of the road, but did you know that this rule also applies to sidewalks and escalators?
  • Everyone here believes that, as a person from the South, I am automatically a Republican. Actually, the British can be just as shallow as Americans, except they always seems snobby about it.
  • They eat the same crappy food. Already I've seen two McDonald's, two KFCs, and two Pizza Huts.
  • When they have a fire alarm here, it means that there's actually a fire. The fire alarm sounds like the synthesizer part at the very beginning of "Girls and Boys" by Blur, so if you don't want to go outside, you can it in bed and try to do the bass line in your head. Oh, and they also have crazy women who apparently like to go under stairwells and set piles of trash on fire.

I wish there was more to say, but I haven't really done enough here to tell you the truth. Soon enough we'll head back to London and hopefully to continental Europe. Till then, toodloo!

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