Sunday, October 14, 2007

Film experiment number two!

Honestly, I should be working on my presentation that's due Monday (Blade Runner and Metropolis: Postmodernism vs. German Expressionism/Modernism (note: German Expressionism always wins)), but since I'm in Portland for the weekend, I really can't help myself. The film took about four or five hours to get together (that means photograph, edit, re-edit, score, add titles, et cetera), which is pretty nifty. Though I did learn something disturbing: iMovie '08 is not as great as it claims to be. Unlike the '06 version, it has absolutely no video editing effects (except for being able to change the color/saturation of the film). That means no speeding up, no grainy effects, no cool little gimmicky things. So I had to re-download iMovie '06, film and compile all the pictures in '08, export that as a .mpeg, re-open it in '06, speed up the animated part of the film, export it as a second .mpeg, open that in '08, and add the titles. Still, though, I shouldn't complain, the result is pretty good, and better than if I tried to use any other non-professional editing software. Even so, my neck hurts like a bitch (I never understood that expression completely) from hunkering over the keyboard.

In completely unrelated news, today my Disney World maps came in the mail and I got to play with a kitten named Kiwi. Yes and double yes.

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