Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Wow it's been a while

Like, almost a full month. I think that I need to put more things up here; and I would have better pictures and stuff if I had my camera cord or if my scanner worked. All I have is a few pictures that I took with my webcam of a few drawing that I've done, but I don't feel like burdening blogger with such mishmash.

I do have a sonnet that I put together last night, quite suddenly:


there is a boy that sits high on a cloud,
who gathers the pieces and throws them all down.
and when they are landed and scattered in sand,
he picks them back up and he does it again.
sometimes he lives neath the lid of your eye,
collecting the colors and letting them fly.
he tears up the shapes and he makes them anew,
taking words than seem nonsense and turning them true.
and where will he go when he is gone from your sight,
when he has shaken your days and splintered your nights?
he will back to his cloud with his quiver and bow
and sighs will mark all of the hearts he has known.

And, just for fun, an abstract that I wrote during Grammar class a couple weeks ago:

her gives he flowers
gold bluebauble wrapped,
him to she kiss returns
fullandfine, two intact.
and morning and evening
and finding and being
so somehow seeing delight,
he feels roundabout her eyes
and sleeps him into night.

(sonnetloves best expression is never
than the fair and free, her and he,
being and billowing kites without tethers)

Then there are a couple seasonal sketches that I worked out some time in September:


run kite new
sky to blue

stand dawn till sun
be comes


wheatfields on homewalk way
blue as june, free as frayed


play softly flow your dreams and snow,
dear children in days short you go.
echo trees like spines of eyes,
the blackbird brings eternal night.

so shiver through the nameless days
and beg to keep your boots away
till frost becomes a river slow,
dear children, in days short you go.


winds! breeze!
beckon leaves

in whirlwinds at your feet.
shiver nightly but smile brightly
in fields of pumpkin poppyseeds

and rake around your life so far
remember moments where you are
neath sunset leaves and bristling clouds

oh how!
we do love seasonal shapeshifting,
ghost stories and schoolbooks,
far below spinning tree-feathering leaves


do not stay insidethehouse

tis too cool
too dew-strewn

moth-covered and snowless
buzzing and bristling with redcaps and chirps
raining and drizzling the blooms from the earth

you'll roll in the springtime
your trousers will green
and the deadness of winter
will be less than a dream

There, that's what I have for now creative-writing-wise. Anything that I'm working on with Archer will have to wait, since I'm really busy right now and most of that stuff isn't complete at all anyway.

I should start updating often. If only I knew how to do a cut...

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