Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Goodness me

I need someone to talk to who isn't a relation or relative.

Tonight we had people over for dinner, one of which told me Avril Lavigne's life story, one who said that he trusts Bill O'Reilly, and one who said that she loved the Bush family. Carla was there too, and she's good to be around. But really...I had to keep punching myself in the leg to stop from saying anything liberal or intelligent or sounding like a smartass. Which I think is totally unfair.

I'm tired of eating and listening to Christmas music, and now that I have a lovely new Operating System I don't know what to do on it. And I'm tired tired, too. Tomorrow I get to sleep in and ignore the phone and do nothing, and play guitar and get away from the stifling family for at least a few hours.

I'm thinking of exchanging my gift cards with money to go towards more memory for the lappy. I would just be buying things I don't need to take with me anyway.

God I feel so morbidly bored. I need to take a shower and read more Milton.

And I need to be in a place where I can be around people who think that reading Milton and not confusing Salvador Dali with Henri de Toulouse-Latrouec is important.

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