Wednesday, December 12, 2007

uh huuuuuuh

Isn't it great that the entire Bush family is one giant idiot?

It's incredible how they can take two things that I love, Scottish Terriers and Christmas, and make them seem related to a hole drilled in my skull and some Tabasco sauce.

Look out for: George poorly reciting facts, dogs being thrown glass ornaments so that they can bite them, one of the Bush girls plugging that she is engaged and thus not worthy of all the scandal that she cooked up a few years back, Laura reading from a coloring book, and Tony Blair generally disgracing himself.

The most hilarious thing about this video is the combination of the presidential family's lack of looking smart in front of a camera combined with the indifference of the dogs. Priceless.

Oh yeah, and that the most powerful man in the world calls his pets "Barney" and "Miss Beasley".

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