Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Really, I mean, now, come on.

From CNN's Political Ticker today:

...curiosity over the vice presidential search is as high here as in the media. At a town hall Wednesday, one of the very first questioners asked McCain, " I heard a rumor that you're going to pick a pro-life VP, is that true?"

The presumptive GOP nominee gave his usual answer about the campaign still going through the process of picking the vice presidential nominee while emphasizing his prolife credentials.

"I respect the views of others but I also happen to believe that the noblest words ever written, in history, were those that said, we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all of us are created equal, and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," he said. Then he added to applause from the audience," I think that life applies to those that are not born as well as those that are born."

How dare you, John McCain. How dare you. Thomas Jefferson should rise from the grave and slap you with his sexy hand. You want to talk abortion rights, Mr. McCain? Have you ever had that choice or faced that dilemma yourself? You shouldn't fucking talk. And I will always say don't really have the right to rule on the issue of a woman's choice. Per-fucking-iod.

And all this crap that Rush Limbaugh is pushing (and the Coulter woman too) about "killing babies after they survive an abortion" is (1)unfounded and (2)irrelevant. I can't find the links right now 'cause I'm lazy, but boy howdy it's making me mad inside.

Well that and there was a pro-life rally outside the new Planned Parenthood that I walked by on the way to turf, and women getting 12-year-old girls out there holding signs that say "After their Birth Control Fails, Will You Let Planned Parenthood Kill Your Baby?" with a picture of an aborted fetus on it gives me shivers on the inside.

Anyway, this is my last week of work, so probably the last time that I'll get a lot of this out. But Edward Scissorhands is on, so I'm gonna go with that.

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