Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fire it up, I'm ready to go

I think that I speak for a helluva lot of people when I say this: HRC owns my shit. Woman is a powerhouse, a tough cookie made of gold and punctuality and smarts that very few women, let alone people, can come close to being; and I am lucky to be among the generation that grew up under her husband's administration and watched her make history. I can say with complete confidence that, sooner than we would have ever hoped, a woman will take the oval office as more than just a first lady, but as a leader of the country and of the free world.

So I've been watching the convention for the past two days, and again, for the most part I find a lot of the speeches underwhelming; seldom do we stray from "Barack Obama is the change we need, John McCain is more of the same". And though that's surely the truest thing we could say right now, there's more urgency than that, and it's too bad that Clinton was one of the few to really thoroughly address that.

The best part of the night, and probably my favorite part of the convention so far, has been when the announcer asked everyone to stand up and face the back of the hall for the panoramic photo. They all stood up and turned around, and the camera started panning, and a few people cheered and waved, then one person yelled "fire it up!" and some people responded "I'm ready to go!" this got bigger and bigger, until the whole hall was shouting "Fire it up! I'm ready to go!" Without the aid of anyone at the podium telling them what to say or what to chant, the delegates on their own showed the true colors of the Democratic Party in the best and simplest way: that they were fired up, and they were ready to go. This is the party of change, of progress, of hope, of the American dream. Suck on that, RNC.

All out of thoughts, have songs from Across The Universe stuck in my head, I might want to watch it. Bad, Meg, BAD.

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